Products of Acemedical


  • Enables suction while maintaining the breathing circuit connected which can provide a patient with plenty of oxygen and keep PEEP
  • A closed suction system reduces complications from the absorption of lung secretions containing blood from patients with unstable cardiopulmonary function and suspected active tuberculosis.
  • Protects patients and users from secondary infection and contamination by exposition to bodily secretions and cough from suction.
  • Increases efficiency and makes it possible for a person to operate sterilized suction properly.


  • Adjustable with one hand and user can classify catheter diameter easily with different button colors.
  • Catheter cover : Smooth material to position the catheter at a specific site
  • Cleaning port : One-way lavage helps to clean the catheter tip rapidly without raising the water spray
  • The soft tip protects the mucous membrane of the airways from any damage and injuries by the catheter during the suction.


Catheter length
Regular Infant Type, Regular Adult Type, Bronchoscopy Type
30.5 cm, 54.0 cm
5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 Fr


Heated Circuit Kit III

Heat & Moisture Exchanger Circuit System